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Den Ouden

An above-average yield, with less expenditure on crop protection products. It is possible, agrees Detmer Wage, arable farmer in Wedde, Groningen (The Netherlands). Arjan Kuppens, crop advisor at Den Ouden GrowSolutions, speaks to Wage about his experiences with the application of natural fulvic to his sugar beet, potato and grain crops. Wage has been a regular user of Den Ouden GrowSolutions’ product Fulvic (formerly known as Fulvic25 or Fulvic+) for about five years now. A versatile product consisting of natural fulvic, which ensures more efficient nutrient use in soil and plants.

Pesticides and herbicides

Natural fulvic has a chelating effect and optimizes leaf coverage. This improves the effectiveness of pesticides into plants and soil. Weed control with herbicides also becomes more effective due to the chelating effect of natural fulvic. This reduces the impact of fungicides on the crop, allowing the crop to recover and grow more quickly.

The more effective functioning of pesticides and herbicides means that Wage needs fewer quantities, he says. Wage achieves the same result with more than a quarter dose of pesticides less but with the addition of Fulvic. “The annual costs for crop protection products have reduced by almost 30% per year,” says Wage.


For Wage, the added value of natural fulvine does not only lie in the investments and more effective functioning of pesticides and herbicides. The absorption of liquid fertilizers such as NTS also improves and, more importantly, it supports the root zone. “If soil health is good, this is positive for the crops above ground.” Wage is referring to the fact that natural fulvic ensures more efficient nutrient use. Natural fulvic mobilizes bound nutrients through effective absorption of cations (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper) in the soil and improves root development.


Wage uses Fulvic in every standard spraying round to strengthen the crop protection product in question. He often uses one liter per 200 liters of water per hectare as soil application. An advantage is that Fulvic can be combined with all protection products. “Only the combination with sulfur and copper is not a good one,” says Kuppens. “The solubility of Fulvic is very good. Even though natural fulvic is a carbon form and is organic in nature, I have never had any blockages in my caps, so one has to be careful with that and do a little test beforehand.”

The conclusion? Now is the time to use natural fulvic. A versatile product that increases nutrient absorption and makes crop protection products more effective. Better returns, with less investment.

More information about Fulvic? Click here or contact:

Arjan Kuppens, crop advisor Den Ouden GrowSolutions

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