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Den Ouden


Our team is ready and waiting to provide the support you need. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any inquiries or assistance.


Den Ouden GrowSolutions B.V.
T +31 (0)73 54 310 08

P.O. Box 12
5480 AA Schijndel
The Netherlands

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Closed on Saturday and Sunday



Hermalen 7
5481XX Schijndel
The Netherlands


Production and distribution address:

Gerstdijk 6
5704RG Helmond
The Netherlands

open vacancies

Cultivate success with us.

Are you eager to drive both agricultural success and ecological health? Come help us pioneering the future of farming with our advanced range of organic nutrients, solid, liquid fertilizers, and biostimulants. Join a team that values innovation, sustainability, and profit-driven solutions for a healthier planet. Check out our latest job openings or submit your application today. Together, we can nurture the soil for the next generations.

Open vacanciesOpen application

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    We constantly strive to update and expand our information so that you always have access to the latest and most relevant data on our products. Your questions and comments are invaluable to us - they not only help us improve our services, but also ensure that our website meets all your needs. Do you have a question about our products, or is there something you miss on our site? Do not hesitate to contact us. Fill in the form below with your question, and our team will contact you as soon as possible to help you further!

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    I agree to the terms on the privacy of my data. More information can be found in our privacy statement.*