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Increases nutrient use efficiency

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Improve nutrient uptake efficiency with our Efficient Uptake category, which stimulates the flow of nutrients into the soil and plant. This category maximizes the uptake of essential nutrients by both soil and plant, resulting in effective and efficient nutrient utilization. Although Efficient Uptake is a crucial step, our range goes beyond this particular category. Explore our wide range of solutions in the other categories, each designed to meet specific crop and soil needs.

Boost nutrient uptake with our Efficient Uptake category, optimizing nutrient flow for soil and plant. This maximizes nutrient utilization.

Beyond this step, explore our diverse solutions in other categories, each tailored to specific needs. For a comprehensive approach to agricultural challenges, we invite growers to explore how our wide range of products can benefit any farming business.


 Mobilises bound nutrients in soil

Mobilises bound nutrients in soil

Fulvic acids play a crucial role in mobilizing bound nutrients in the soil, such as iron. These organic acids have the capacity to bind to nutrients that would otherwise remain in insoluble form. By facilitating this binding, fulvic acid acts as a mobilizer, releasing the bound nutrients and making them available to the plant. In addition, fulvic acids help transport these now-mobilized nutrients to the plant roots. This promotes the efficient uptake of phosphate, iron and other nutrients by the roots.

 Improves root development

Improves root development

Fulvic acid increases nutrient uptake, for example phosphate, which stimulates root growth by increasing energy production, increasing biomass, stimulating growth hormones and improving nutrient uptake capacity. This results in a healthier and more extensive root system for the plant.

 Increases nutrient use efficiency via roots and leafs

Increased nutrient use efficiency via roots and leaves

Fulvic acid in soil acts as a transporter, binding nutrients and improving their availability to plants. It helps dissolve and mobilize nutrients, facilitating their uptake by plant roots. When fulvic acid is applied foliar, it can act as a penetration enhancer. It promotes nutrient uptake through the leaves and contributes to more efficient nutrient absorption. This dual role of fulvic acid in the soil and on the leaf contributes to improved plant availability and uptake of essential nutrients.